The story
My friend Pete (like minded DJ/designer) wanted to collaborate on a mix. I liked the idea and made this first half to get the ball rolling. Unfortunately he got too busy to mix a response (I think he moved for the 90th time in a year or something) so I just released my half as it's own thing. The name is a holdover from it's initial conception: he lived in Philadelphia and I lived in Minneapolis.
Another noteworthy item about this mix: it was the first thing I recorded on my DJM-800, which makes it extra exciting. Settling on the DJM800 was bloody frustrating because my mxer previous was a cheap Numark; one that became more and more disabled as my desire to mix increased. It was great for it's pricepoint but not a sustainable piece of kit. Since I wanted something more long term and durable I was looking at an investment, and when it comes to big purchases, I research like it's a PhD. Luckily my local shop, Vital Vinyl, was cool enough to rent me mixers till I found 'the one'. Initially I was going to go for the Xone:32, but I thought I'd try the DNX1500S, but to my surprise I was right at home with the DJM-800.